Our Applicant Analytics feature helps you evaluate how your recruitment process is working by reporting on vital recruiting metrics.

To access your in-depth reporting tools, Navigate to the Reports menu located in the top right-hand corner of your account and select Applicants.

You can view reporting criteria for all jobs combined, drill down to specific job listings or all active jobs, and select a date range by clicking the Filter button on the top left.

Once you have the desired filters selected, click the button with the arrow at the top right of the filter window to minimize it and your selections will be applied to your data.

Here you will be able to view applicants over time and stats on your email notifications to applicants. You will also be able to gather data on applicant status, where your applicants are being sourced from using your own external sources list, and applicant recruitment stage information based on your own workflow stages. 

You also have the option to download various reports as well by navigating to the Reports menu and selecting Downloads

Reports with the filter icon next to them can be filtered using the side menu located at the top left. It will pop open and allow you to select a time frame and/or narrow down by job (and site, if you use out Staffing Version).  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does the little pyramid icon next to the report name mean?
    • It means the report can be filtered using the setting to the left of the page. No little pyramid? That means the report is not filterable and you will get all data available.

  • Where will the Downloadable Report show up?
    • Once you request the download, the system will start generating your report for you and will then deliver a downloadable link to your email address. Depending on how much data is involved this email can show up instantly or after a couple of hours (worst-case scenario). If you haven’t seen the email you’re expecting, make sure to check your spam folders. If you use more than one email for work, the report link will be delivered to whatever email address you have listed in the Manage Users section, under Account Details.

  • What does Time-to-Hire mean?
    • Time-to-Hire, found in the Recruiter Activity Report and the Hired Applicant Report, is commonly calculated from the day the applicant applies to the day that you mark them as hired. 

  • So then, what does Time-to-Fill mean?
    • Time-to-Fill is how long it takes you to fill the position, based on when the job was placed online until you marked someone as hired. 

  • I hired someone in June but they don't show up in the Offer Letters Report when I filter for that month. What's happening here?
    • Currently, the Offer Letters report is reflecting the date an applicant applies rather than the date the Offer Letter was sent out. This is something we're working on tweaking, though, as we do understand that having them show up in the month they were hired would be useful.

  • Looking at the Job Posting Data Report it says $0 next to my Indeed advertisements. Why isn't there a total in that space?
    • Indeed bills directly and works on a budget basis, rather than a flat fee. Because of this, they do not share the total amount you spent during the life of your campaign with the ATS. You will need to pull this data from Indeed directly.

  • Why is the Location field empty in my reports?
    • The company_location column is specific to accounts that utilize the E-verify and Form I9 compliance features. It will remain blank if that data is not available for your report. 

  • Can I create custom reports?
    • Not yet, but we have all sorts of fun things on the Road Map and know that this is often requested.